Member-only story
“You’re Stupid”: I’m Stupid, We’re All Stupid!
The Unhinged Comments in Your Articles and Social Media Posts
Many of you will have witnessed comments in your articles or social media where they disagree with your view. Some of those comments offer no greater information to explain how you might be wrong other than to imply or directly call out your “stupidity”.
The irony in their attempts to refute your strongly considered article by simply calling you “stupid”, is beyond them. Pointing this out would be futile. Try asking them for a substantiative and objective response and you’ll be waiting long enough for your “stupid” mind to realise it will never arrive.
Intelligence Vs Stupidity
I’m on most Social Media and discovered how these comments are most prevalent where the more intelligence exists. Take Twitter X as an example. A platform where many established, celebrated and proven authority figures share their thoughts and evidence. One where you have a direct line to all of them in one click. (Whether they respond to you or not is a different question).
While Twitter X has done a better job of removing Trolls, Child Abusers / pornographers and other unwelcome individuals, there is no accounting for disagreement. Elon Musk famously defends your rights…