You focussed the conversation by asking about the hoax. That is why we are on this line of the conversation. I did not lead the conversation in this direction. The hoax is that there has never been a "ban".
I also never said they were ALL removed because of pornography nor did I say there was anything wrong with the mention of gay people in a book. Not at all.
For discourse to work it's best to avoid assumptions.
What I did say if you read my comments again, as it is fact, that the libraries have made their own choices.
Recent choices have stemmed from pornography in schools and I suspect they are simply playing it safe by removing anything "they each" consider will invite criticism. As I previously stated this is a subjective matter based on an individual's opinion including that of your own.
I explained this to show that this does not constitute a ban. The Ban was your point. You have redirected this onto a single gay book, yet you don't respond to my Milk and Honey example?
I always appreciate a discussion however I feel this is leading nowhere.
Thank you for your time and I truly wish you my very best. 🙏