Trump: The Guilty Verdict that will Change America

And Why You Should be Concerned

7 min readJun 4, 2024

I get it. Many people want to see Trump found Guilty. But in that aim have they missed the factors that led to his guilty verdict? Should they not be concerned given the exposure that could lead to acquittal? Or is there a darker issue that people are missing, ignoring, just to get the verdict they require?

“They’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you”

Many people misunderstand this point made by Trump to mean, ‘if you’ve committed a crime you will be punished too’. Nothing could be farther from the truth. And yet I’ve read several articles on Medium that fail to understand this key point.

I read articles that explain how they’re not worried as they’ve committed no crime. Articles based on emotional writing with no effort to verify their inaccuracies are widespread. All because they want the satisfaction of seeing Trump receive a guilty verdict, at any cost. And there is a very significant cost lurking.

The passion to see Trump behind bars blinds many to the impact and inevitable implications. They are focussed on the wrong point. Like a sniper so focussed on the target, they miss what’s coming up behind them.

“The Scope Focuses intently on your target..

so you can’t see the bigger picture”

Truth be told I’m not a Trump fan. But as I’ll explain there is now more to be concerned with in Biden’s Democrats than in Trump.

Regardless of your political persuasion and love or dislike of Trump, the Guilty Verdict given should concern everyone. Not because of whether Trump is guilty. But because of “how” he was found guilty and “why” the case only transpired now.

The issues with the Court Case are relevant but not to the point of this article. If you wish to understand the problems that could see the verdict overturned then read here:

Instead I will demonstrate a much greater and broader concern. That is the weaponisation of the political and judicial system under President Biden’s administration. In short, the current administration has leveraged its power to systematically target and neutralise its most formidable political adversary in the run-up to the 2024 election. And there’s nothing to stop them doing it again.

Such actions signify a dangerous drift toward an undemocratic model, reminiscent of authoritarian regimes like Russia, where the ruling government perpetually remains in power, imposing policies without influential opposition.

Single Party State

Imagine for a moment if not matter how hard you tried you could never vote for a party in opposition to Government. Imagine not matter how much they speak to the defence of Democracy you find there is no choice available or means to exercise that choice. What would happen?

A government that manages to maintain power without genuine risk of removal can create an illusion of democracy while systematically ensuring their opponents’ failure. This can be achieved through several means:

  • Controlled Elections: While elections might still be held, they would be heavily manipulated to ensure the ruling party’s victory. This can include gerrymandering, voter suppression, and controlling media narratives to sway public opinion. Such tactics ensure that, despite the facade of a democratic process, the outcomes are predetermined.

There have already been attempts made to remove Donal Trump from the Ballot paper in the states of Colorado and Maine. And this was before the Court Case.
Both are Democrat states under Joe Biden.

  • Legal and Judicial Manipulation: By controlling the judiciary and using legal mechanisms to disqualify or hinder political opponents, the ruling party can effectively neutralise any real threat to their power. This includes prosecuting opponents on dubious charges or using regulations to bar them from running for office.

This is already evident and better explained in the recent Trump case.
See the article linked above for more information.

Imposing Policies Against Public Will

Unchallenged Policy Implementation

With no significant opposition, the government can impose any policy, even those that go against the public majority’s wishes. This unchecked power can lead to several dangerous outcomes:

  • Ignoring Public Opinion: Policies can be enacted without considering public backlash. This might include controversial measures like surveillance expansions, economic regulations favoring a select few, or social policies that curb individual freedoms and rights.
  • Economic Control: The government could implement economic policies that benefit the ruling elite while ignoring broader economic welfare. This can lead to increased inequality and reduced opportunities for the average citizen.

Weaponising Resources Against Citizens

Maintaining Control

A government willing to weaponise its resources against political opponents would likely extend these tactics to its citizens to maintain control over unwelcome policies. This can manifest in various forms of repression:

  • Surveillance and Monitoring: Expanding surveillance to monitor and control public dissent. Citizens critical of the government could face harassment, arrest, or other forms of intimidation.
  • Suppressing Free Speech: Implementing stricter regulations on media and social platforms to prevent the spread of dissenting opinions. This can include censoring or shutting down outlets that oppose government policies.

Another example of a regulation sought to become stricter by Democrats after already demonstrating censorship requests to social media on politically unfavourable opinion.

  • Militarised Policing: Increasing the use of militarized police forces to quell protests and demonstrations against government actions. This can lead to a culture of fear and suppression, where citizens are discouraged from voicing their discontent.

The Broader Impact

Erosion of Democratic Norms

The gradual erosion of democratic norms can have long-lasting impacts on society. The checks and balances that are integral to a functioning democracy become obsolete, leading to an unaccountable government that operates without transparency or public oversight.

  • Diminished Trust in Institutions: Public trust in governmental institutions declines as they are perceived to be tools of the ruling party rather than independent bodies serving the public good.
  • Civil Liberties at Risk: Civil liberties, including freedom of speech, assembly, and the press, are at greater risk. Policies that infringe upon these rights can be implemented with little to no opposition.

Putin’s USA

Vladamir Putin in recent months has declared his preference for Biden over Trump. While he and Trump found peace under Trump’s Presidency, Putin would prefer Biden to hold the Presidency.

Why would it be that the Russian President would want Biden as President during such a threatening time on the brink of World War?

At the time of writing, President Joe Biden has quietly authorised Kyiv to launch US-supplied weapons at military targets inside Russia. This proxy war is becoming less proxy and more obvious.

And yet this is the President, Putin wants in charge of the USA? Why?

Civil War

What if the majority don’t get their President? At what point does a Country descend into Civil War? Movies have been made on this basis and one quite recently reflecting an interesting stance. It all seems as far fetched as a Hollywood Movie. But this takes us one step closer.
Is this why Putin favours Biden over Trump?

I often say…

don’t listen to a Politician’s words.

  • Look to their actions.
  • Let their actions explain the true intent, not their words.

Biden and many Democrats say how much they are fighting for Democracy. They say Trump is a threat to Democracy and seeks to remain in office beyond his term. What do Biden’s Democrats actions say?

Putin and Biden have much in common when it comes to elections and how they approach any political opponent of significant threat. But in this regard I doubt Putin wants Biden because of where they agree.

If I Can See It….

I’m not the only one to appreciate this. There are also many Democrats, Celebrities and US Citzens who are concerned by such a disturbing move.

The term coined “Never-Trumpers” is now seeing many become “Trumpers” as polls find Trump’s lead take a significant jump following the Kangaroo Court case verdict.


A poll conducted at the end of April by PBS NewsHour, NPR, and Marist shows that 45% of Americans believe the investigations into Trump are unfair and intended to obstruct his presidential campaign. Another poll, conducted by AP and NORC in April, reveals that 44% of Americans are not very or not at all confident that Trump is being treated fairly by New York prosecutors.

Additionally, an April CNN poll found that, although 33% of people felt Trump’s actions regarding his business records were illegal, 56% lacked confidence that Trump’s jury could reach a fair verdict, and 34% believed Trump is being treated more harshly than other criminal defendants.

Given this data, any potential benefit to Trump’s election campaign could be attributed to the increased motivation among his supporters and even those undecided voters who perceive the trial as unfair. This perception might make them more driven to see him reelected than they were before.

The majority of the USA are not fooled and it’s a relief to see.

This has nothing to do with whether or not you support Trump.
Hence why many on the other side are in support of him having seen such a verdict delivered via underhanded and shocking means.

If you are not a Trump supporter then be concerned in what you will face under a Government that threatens all that they accuse Trump of planning. And yet with Trump in power there was no such threat to democracy. The actions of Biden’s Democrats now tell another frightening story.

Final Thoughts

The prospect of a government that rules indefinitely without genuine risk of removal poses a grave threat to democracy. By creating an illusion of democratic processes while ensuring their opponents’ failure, such a government can impose any policy without public consent.

The weaponisation of resources against political opponents sets a dangerous precedent, suggesting that citizens could also be targeted to suppress dissent and enforce unwelcome policies.

Protecting democratic principles, ensuring fair and free elections, and maintaining robust checks and balances are crucial to preventing such an outcome and safeguarding the rights and freedoms of all citizens.

Stay objective, look beyond the obvious and critically think through all you see and hear. The implications are much greater than you have been told.

Thanks for reading.




Written by DebateChampionX

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