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True Debater or Master Convincer
Understanding the difference between truth and manipulation
When we think of debate in public life, though, most of us think of folk who can talk loudly, play to emotions, and dominate an audience because they are good at shouting down an ‘opponent’ with their charisma rather than for what they say.
Like Hitler or Biden, <insert your choice of politician here>, politicians are accused of being exceptionally good talkers but are otherwise rubbish at the art of debate. But this is not what debate is about. It’s what the best debate should be about. It is supposed to be about the search for truth through argumentation that is conducted according to the rules of evidence and substance.
Sincere debate lies in the sharing, among equals, of demonstrably, respectfully, dually-minding-the-data arguments, not point-scoring partisan fluff to shut each other up through heated and fruitless shouting.
Real debate lies in the giving and receiving of language and logic in the quest for truth. True debaters like nuance. They’re more interested in how they can more effectively frame and forward their arguments.
Not by yelling and railing over one another but by demonstrating increased merit and meaning quantified (when and where possible) by evidence data. Real…