Thank you for your response. it really is appreciated.
You are correct in that I am still not convinced.
Sure Trump will say things to evoke a response but much of what Vox writes are at best a stretch. They infuse their opinion with some truths to imply fact.
They are of course bias in favour of Democrats which never helps to ensure independent thought.
And other such examples are a stretch. For instance:
Trump fired Kevin Allen, a Black contestant, for being overeducated. “You’re an unbelievably talented guy in terms of education, and you haven’t done anything,”
In what way does this prove him racist? Vox failed to mention how he hired Dr. Randal Pinkett in another season.
What Vox fails to do is provide examples that would counter their argument. For example Trump suing the city of Palm Beach for not allowing Black memberships. Or Trump's allocation of $1 billion to minority-owned businesses through the Commerce Department. A full list would be longer than Vox.
Sure there will be things Trump says that aren't PC nowadays. Our GrandParents would say many things that are not acceptable today. But it doesn't make them racist.
I remain unconvinced by what I would call weak evidence. But I respect your views and truly appreciate your taking the time to provide a great response.
Wishing you well and thanks for sharing.