Staying True to Yourself in a World Full of Ads and Tech

4 min readApr 15, 2024

We are bombarded by ads everywhere we turn. From the moment we wake up and check our phones, to the ads on buses as we commute, and even within our favourite apps and games, they’re inescapable.

Coupled with the rapid advancement in technology, it’s easy to lose oneself to trends, the latest gadgets, and the overwhelming pressure to keep up. But how do we stay true to ourselves amidst this constant barrage? Let’s explore some simple yet effective ways to maintain our individuality and sanity in a digital world that’s always selling something.

Understand What ‘Staying True to Yourself’ Means

First things first, what does it mean to stay true to yourself? At its core, it’s about knowing who you are, understanding your values, and not allowing external pressures to change your essence.

“To thine own self be true.” — William Shakespeare

This phrase emphasises the importance of self-honesty and integrity, even when the world is trying to mould you into something else.

The Impact of Ads and Tech on Our Lives

Ads are not just about selling products; they’re about selling lifestyles, ideals, and sometimes, unrealistic expectations. Technology, on the other hand, keeps us connected but can also lead us to compare our lives with others, often leading to dissatisfaction and a sense of inadequacy.

For example, you might see an ad for a new smartphone claiming that it can make your life better, faster, and more efficient. It’s tempting to believe that purchasing this gadget will improve your life.

However, it’s crucial to pause and ask yourself whether this is a genuine need or just a desire fuelled by clever marketing.

Tips to Stay True to Yourself

Reflect on Your Values

Take the time to understand what matters most to you. Is it creativity, honesty, independence, or something else? Keep these values in mind when making decisions, especially when you’re tempted by the latest trends or gadgets.

Set Boundaries with Technology

Technology can be overwhelming. It’s helpful to set boundaries for its use. This might mean having tech-free hours during the day or choosing not to engage with social media platforms that make you feel inadequate. Remember, it’s okay to miss out on some things.

Question Your Consumption

Before making a purchase or getting swept up in a trend, ask yourself why you’re doing it. Is it because everyone else is? Does it align with your personal values? If not, it might be a sign to step back.

Find Contentment in Simplicity

There’s beauty in simplicity. You don’t need the latest tech gadget to be happy or fulfilled. Sometimes, a quiet evening with a good book or a walk in nature is all you need to feel content.

Connect With Like-minded Individuals

Surround yourself with people who understand and share your values. They can offer support and perspective when you’re feeling pressured by external influences.

Psychological Theory: The Theory of Self-Determination

To support the idea of staying true to oneself, let’s consider the Theory of “Self-Determination”.

This psychological theory suggests that people are happiest and most fulfilled when they feel autonomous. It’s about having control over your life and are competent in your actions while having meaningful relationships.

External pressures, like advertisements and the urge to keep up with technology, can undermine this sense of autonomy by making us feel like we must conform to be accepted or happy.

Real-Life Example: The Happiness Project

One notable example of someone striving to stay true to themselves in the modern world is Gretchen Rubin, author of “The Happiness Project.”

Rubin spent a year trying different approaches to find what truly made her happy, rather than what society expected should make her happy. This journey showed her that happiness often comes from within, and staying true to oneself is a key component of overall wellbeing.

In Rubin’s words, “What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.” This highlights the importance of daily actions and choices in staying true to oneself.

Final Thoughts

Staying true to oneself is more critical than ever. It’s about finding a balance, understanding your values, and making conscious choices that align with those values.

It’s not about rejecting technology or advertising outright, but rather about engaging with them on your own terms. By doing so, we not only preserve our individuality but also lead more fulfilled lives.

When the World is constantly trying to make you something else, being yourself is the greatest accomplishment.

Thanks for reading




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