Impressed by your article on feminism and its evolving narrative, especially how it's meant to champion equality but appears to have taken a detour into man-bashing.
As a guy, embracing the term "feminist" feels challenging without being tagged as anti-men. We need men supporting women, and women recognizing men who do. Blanket statements about men being toxic hinder progress. Most guys want women to succeed, but not at the expense of being vilified.
Your piece shed light on modern feminism's pitfalls. It forgets that not all women are saints, and not all men are privileged. Alienating men by branding them all as awful isn't conducive to progress.
Rebranding feminism means returning to its roots: equality of the sexes. Let's cease labeling all men as bad or the problem. Encourage men to voice opinions and support women. Equality is for both genders, but it won't happen if we keep tearing men down.
And seriously, can we stop complaining about chivalry?
Thank you for sharing a great piece!