Hi Tessa, thanks so much for sharing your experience.
I completely agree! It's hard work if the aim is to convince everyone to accept the truth.
I use to do the same with Twitter and have stopped now. Although there are times when issues close to my heart pull me back into those conversations.
You're right though. If people don't want to accept the truth there is nothing you can say to change it. All you can ever do is point them in the right direction.
"You can lead a horse to water.... "
I ignore those trolling for an argument. You get a sixth sense for those who do and those who are sincere. Although very few are sincere.
For me I found debating others the best learning experience. I've been wrong many times but I'm always happy to learn. It's a learning few wish to accept. Truth is the main aim of debate but like you say, all they want is to argue and protect their ego at all costs.
Loving your articles and keep up the good work.
Wishing you all my best.