Hi Linus, you certainly make some good points and questions. I only wish we had all those answers.
And you're certainly right to ask them. I do agree.
The argument that Trump would be a step towards tyranny doesn't sit right with me though. We've seen each candidate serve their term in office. Of the two, Trump has displayed the least tyrannical policies and actions.
As my earlier point suggested, the trial in itself is one of concern where a political candidate is attacked by means of a trial / court case. Regardless of verdict or Trump's guilt, this type of action displays very undemocratic actions from the Democrats.
Not forgetting Democrat states that tried to remove Trump from the ballot papers even before the trial.
To be clear, the definition of tyranny I use is from the Oxford/Cambridge dictionary as follows: Government by a ruler or small group of people who have unlimited power over the people in their country or state and use it unfairly and cruelly:
Unlimited power can come from manipulating victory in the election. This one-state style approach is not one of democracy. The above only touches on the some of the actions we've seen in recent years by a party that protests to being democratic.
That being said, things can change. And you're right to question the form tyranny may take with valid comparisons to democracy/oligarchy. And yes I can certainly think of several figures promising wealth to people which, as you say, sounds all too familiar.
On the topic of climate change and that which you relate, I feel more information is still needed. Especially around the policies and actions we take.
For example in the UK the amount invested has yielded insignificant benefits while incurring a much higher cost burden and cost of living. We need to understand the implications of our actions. I don't think anyone would disagree to being greener so long as it works and actually proves a benefit. So far as I know, there has been no evidence proving an impact in our green actions thus far.
We could probably discuss this single topic alone for some days. I don't believe we have all the answers and it's because I don't believe Government has either.
Trump and Biden have laid out their plans and it's up to the voters to choose what they want. Assuming of course the voters are permitted the choice on the ballot paper. A choice threatened.
Thanks for your comments and it's certainly given me more to think about. Greater evidence may have us find a more agreeable conclusion.
Thanks again and take care.
P.s. If you want to know more about the trial I've explained and summarised the points in a recent article. There have been many misunderstanding and I've done my best to explain the key aspects objectively. Feel free to read and even critique.