4 min readJun 8, 2024


Good day Tim, firstly let me thank you for providing a respectful and well considered response. This is something quite rare and sadly surprising to find.

While we may disagree, I trust both our aims are to find truth. I welcome any challenges to my points and thank you for doing so. I am always looking to challenge my own understanding and yours is possibly the best challenge I've received in recent years. So thank you again.

On to your questions and I apologise for the length. I've tried to summarise and keep it as short as possible.

1. "The first is, can you say Trump hasn’t expressed these sentiments at his rallies and interviews? "

In short no, I cannot. But if this is to be a point for consideration and "proof" then you would also need to consider the similar actions from the Democrats too.

Such examples include, but certainly not limited to, the following:

- "Trump is an illegitimate President" - Hillary Clinton

- "If you see anybody from that cabinet [Trump's] in a restaurant, in a department store, you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them 'they're not welcome'." - Maxine Waters

- US Judge Blocks Biden administration from contacting social media sites after proven 1st Amendment violation through censorship on several points including but not limited to :

-opposition to President Biden’s policies

- statements true on Hunter Biden laptop story

- opposition to policies of the government

officials in power.

Your final question is more interesting in the way it's worded. To answer effectively I would have to question your premise:

Premise: "eliminating secured drop boxes, excessive and needless signature verification, pushing for hand counting of ballots, conducting needless and spurious challenges"

Answer: While neither of us are likely to challenge the election results there has been evidence leading to the "election tampering" scandals. Many 'opinions' conclude Biden didn't actually win. Personally I feel that even if election tampering was proven it would not prove the result.

The reason Republicans focus on that within the premise of your question has everything to do with the evidence for "election interference". i.e. the methods where "anomalies" were found.

It could therefore be argued that any attempts "not" to plug the gaps in the anomalies found would provide further opportunity for suspected "election rigging".

While this topic will be debated, surely the solution is to move forward with one that leaves less doubt in election results?

Surely if Democrats want a fair election they would seek to action the Republican's "whole-hog"?

On a personal note I found it hilarious when Democrats said the requirement of voter id would be racist.

While I can appreciate your hatred for Trump I would hope you can at least acknowledge similar evidence within the Biden administration. There's no rule saying you can't despise both. I say this because one of your points seems all to obvious and easy to validate. I am referring to your point about Trump's four year tenure.

Worse has been achieved under the Biden administration. In the last 8 years surely it's clear which has provided better for their citzens. Allow be to break it down.

"He managed to antagonize our allies" and is "Putin's Bitch".

- Firstly of both Presidents, Putin has famously said in an interview ~3 months ago how we would prefer Biden to be President, not Trump.

- Secondly Trump had peace throughout his 4 years. Biden has led us into several War situations which, hypocritically, is exactly what Democrats say would happen if Trump is elected.

And finally, "he did little to advance the country".

Let's compare Biden with Trump below with some of the facts from when Biden took Power:

Fuel Price : Trump $1.99 Biden: $3.53

Mortgage Rates : Trump 3.29% Biden 7.02%

Food under Biden : Up 25%

Rent under Biden : Up 22%

Inflation under Biden : 39 Year High over 9% (1.4% when Trump left office)

Credit Card Debt under Biden : Up 47%

Illegal Immigration under Biden : up to 9 Million

Not to mention the rise in crime and homelessness.

I could list more but I'm sure you could find these too.

The only thing down under Biden are test scores and his poll results.

(Sources are from US Government records including the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Federal Reserve Bank NY.)

Maybe I've misunderstood and you dislike the Biden administration also. In which case we may have less areas upon which to disagree.

I hope you can appreciate my confusion in your response. While some of your points on Trump are true, they are also true for Biden or his administration. Hence my confusion.

If I've missed anything you wanted me to focus on please let me know know. I think and hope I've addressed the main points you wanted me to answer.

Hope you're having a great weekend and thank you again Tim. Wishing you all my best.




Written by DebateChampionX

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