A good article with a few inaccuracies.
Yes you do require skills for a career but how many University students go into careers with the skills they acquired at college. Less than 50%.
Also Kirk doesn't say all University courses are worthless as he does make exceptions such as for those seeking careers as doctors or lawyers etc.
While his political persuasion is made obvious the points he makes are supported by the statistics beared out in reality. We can dislike his politics but it's difficult to disprove facts.
You could have shown more of the issue with Universities as well. Kirk is not off the mark as much as you would think. You mention equity for example. Equal opportunity would be better.
Also apart from student loan forgiveness how many expect to repay a $100k+ loan for a degree that proves statistically inadequate to the careers that follow? And how many could do better with that money without the degree?
I did enjoy this article however and there are some valid points. Moreso the fact your have shared a topic of great discussion that needs to be furthered.
A great read and sincerely, thank you for sharing.